New Wonder Diet Pill That Reduces Body Fat By Half
2009 is most definitely the year of the diet pill.
No sooner has the furore surrounding Alli abated – another self professed wonder diet pill has appeared on the horizon.
The online version of the Daily Express newspaper were the first to break the story – Wonder Pill Cuts Fat By Half
This is reference to a dramatic discovery by a team of scientists that have created a formula that could reduce body fat by just under 50% in 7 days.
It is suggested that the treatment will be available in around 5 years and almost certainly a chemical compound drug medication and via prescription only.
As yet, no absolute specifics have been revealed – but what is understood thus far is that the drug is an artificiallly enhanced hormonal combination of glucagon and a glucagon derivative. Glucagon is a natural hormone that controls how our body converts fuel (fat) into energy.
New Wonder Diet Pill Clinical Trials
Prescription anti obesity drugs do not have a great track record. In recent months two high profile diet drugs have come under immense scrutiny as serious, potentially fatal side effects have been documented.
Acomplia based on the drug Rimonabant was withdrawn from public consumption after an alarmingly high number of health issues were reported – some fatal.
This was closely followed by potentially serious side effects that could be connected with Alli (the over the counter diet drug based on Orlistat).
Alli is still available to purchase.
More about Alli Side Effects
Obesity and the associated health risks such as diabetes, heart diease and even cancer are a great strain on the NHS financially.
To this end it gives the impression that in their haste to find a cure, scientists are not dedicating enough time to understanding the long term ramifications of the drugs that they create.
The biggest factor involved with connection to the safety aspectt of any product is time – lets hope the 5 year wait will not be in vein.
Chemically Produced Diet Drugs Or Natural Herbal Slimming
Quite a wide spectrum of choice. Chemically produced diet drugs offer possibly a quicker weight loss solution but best described as weight loss nuclear style.
Pharmaceuatically created drugs often create just as many health issues as they solve.
The natural world has several substances that have been used for centuries and often included in many of todays comercially available slimming products.
Natural based slimming products are less likely to cause an adverse reaction.
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