Alli Diet Plan Book Review

Alli Diet Plan Book ReviewAfter the successful releases of the Alli diet pill in UK, the Alli diet plan is now available to buy.

The Alli Diet Plan is a 350 page paperback book detailing exactly what Alli is, what it does and what to expect. Well the first 30 pages are at least.

After the 3rd chapter is completed the diet plan stops becoming all about Alli and starts becoming essentially a recipe book! ideal if you are looking for a different slant on spinach and mushroom pasta bake or in desperate need to satisfy a leek and mustard mash fetish.

At a cost of £9.95 is the Alli Diet Plan good value!

What Is The Alli Diet Plan

Using one or two phrases from the marketing literature “Diet + Alli = a 50% boost in weight loss” not sure exactly what this means but “for every 2lb you lose from your own efforts – Alli can help you lose 1lb more” it pretty clear cut.

As Alli is sold on both sides of the Atlantic I guess one jingoistic attention grabbing soundbite is needed for the United Stated, while the UK prefers a more traditional understated explanation.

Alli Diet Plan RecipeMarketing aside, the Alli diet plan consists of the Alli Diet pill, reviewed in depth here and what just appears to be the absolute basics by way of a diet plan added on for padding.

The first several pages should be a prerequisite: it is explained in detail that there are different enzymes that break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats and that the active ingredient (Orlistat) only prevents the breakdown of fat so that the other nutrients can slip through.

Alli Diet Pill Review – here

After the necessary introductions the potential side effects (known as the Alli oops) are quickly glossed over and lead into a chapter of classic fluff with gems such as:

“Dont go shopping when your hungry as you may be tempted by fatty convenience food”

Bottom Line – Is The Alli Diet Plan Any Good

The first several pages are product specific and insightful but nothing you cannot get on the web for free. It could be argued that GlaxoSmithKline could have condensed the book into a leaflet and enclose for free.

The rest of the book is pure padding – there are one or two interesting ideas, but at around a tenner one of Jamie Olivers healthy eating books offers better value – plus you get pictures.

The Alli diet pill itself is not a bad product (after all it is based on the most commonly prescribed and most successful diet pill in history) it is just that the whole Alli marketing machine is trying too hard to promote what is essentially a good product into a great one!

Where To Buy The Alli Diet Plan Book

Almost everywhere that stocks the Alli Pill – Boots, Tesco, Superdrug etc…

Alli in UK StoresAlli hits the shelves of UK stores

Read About Alli
