Where To Buy Alli In The UK

Alli Stockists Buy In The UK

Where to buy Alli diet pills in the UKAfter much publicity the new miracle diet pill Alli is available to buy from UK stockists and suppliers.

Although Alli has been called new and miracle – it is not exactly new and there is certainly nothing that could be classed miraculous about it.

Alli has been available to dieters in the United States for a little under two years now and has recieved the full range of customer comments and user feedback ranging from the highly positive to the depressingly negative.

Alli, as we are sure you are aware, is the the 1st chemically produced diet pill approved by the FDA (Food & Drugs Administration) to be sold commercially over the counter without a prescription.

PhenQ buy directAlli is advertised everywhere – many TV programs suggest using Alli as it is cheaper alternative to several other similar fat binders (XLS Medical for example)

The problem with Alli is it not easy to purchase. To buy it online you have to fill out a form and may not be deemed suitable. Buying in store presents a similar problem.

If you are looking for a diet pill that is similar to Alli and XLS Medical then PhenQ is a superior product.

PhenQ is also available to buy direct from it’s own official website and has a 60 day money back guarantee.

Read more on PhenQ here

Alli went on sale in the UK mid April 2009 – a month earlier than anticipated. The feeling is that everything about Alli seems to be a race against time.

Experts within the pharmaceutical industry believe that Alli will make the manufacturers GlaxoSmithKline an absolute fortune and so getting the product out into the commercial world was paramount – safety it appears is secondary!

Many dieters are overlooking the side effects that Alli can cause.  Alli has been linked with a runny stool issue that could cause some users embarrassment but also, more sinister ramifications – early reports suggested that Alli could cause colon cancer in mice.

Industry experts suggest than Alli has not been tested thoroughly for long term effects it could have on humans.

Where To Buy Alli In The UK

Alli diet pill buy UKIn the rush to get Alli onto the shelves it is the big two chemists that seem to have won the race.

Alli is available to buy from selected high street stores

Pricing starts at £32.95 for a two week course up to £49.95 for the full month.

Registered Online UK pharmacies have the cheapest Alli price with a full month supply costing £38.00 while the 42 pack pack costs £24.00.  Chemist Direct were one of the first registered online pharmacies to receive the product.

Alli Summary

Alli will no doubt be one of, if not the best selling diet pills in the UK – but at what future cost.

Consumers are scrambling to purchase enticed with words such as new and miracle.

As stated above the concept of Alli (stopping the absorption of fat) is not new and certainly not a miracle.

UK produced PhenQ has been doing this for years. Its amazing what a 7 figure marketing budget can do.


Alli Slimming Tablets

Alli Weight Loss Pills

Alli slimming pillsAlli is quite unique as much as it is the only over the counter (commercially available) diet pill that has been granted approval by the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration)

The FDA is the American equivalent of the UK’s MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare  Regulatory Authority) the governmental department set up to regulate the development, marketing and distribution of (among others) diet products.

Prescription diet pills (slimming drugs administered by doctors) have to be authorized by either body – whereas diet pills that can be purchased freely without prescription via the high street or internet are usually herbal in composition and do not need  approval.

What Is Alli

Alli is a lower strength version of  the pharmaceutical slimming drug Orlistat – more commonly recognized under the Xenical brand name.

Orlistat is potent diet pill that is only available to the obese or dangerously overweight – The lower strength (Alli) Orlistat is available to anyone.

Alli is produced by GlaxoSmithKline and competes in the over the counter diet pill market – as mentioned above, a prescription is not required.

Glaxo suggest that Alli is more than just a pill and supply a weight loss programme (or program) with every bottle purchased – in truth, the accompanying weight loss programme is nothing out of the ordinary and something that can be found for free by simply browsing the internet.

How Does Alli Work

Alli is a fat blocker, fat blockers work by stopping a percentage of fat from food consumed from being digested by the stomach. The undigested fat can pass through the stomach and leave via bowel movements.

Does Alli Cause Side Effects

Alli has many positives – but the one negative is quite a big one.

Alli has been available to purchase in the United States since late 2007, a new phrase has been born  the Alli Oops.

The active ingredient in Alli (Orlistat) blocks fat – it does not bind the fat, just simply stops it from being absorbed into the stomach. Undigested fat is orange in appearance and rather gooey. This orange goo can leave your body at a moments notice and sometimes without warning.

Alli users have taken to carrying a spare set of under clothes if journeying for lengthy periods.

Does Alli Work

Alli is clinically proven and has the approval from the highest governing body – there is little doubt that it is effective for losing body fat.

Is Alli Recommended

If the potentially inconvenient and embarrassing side effect is something that could live for the duration of your diet then Alli is worth considering.

Diet pills that stop fat from being absorbed are possibly the most effective of all the over the counter diet pill products.

Fat binders work in much the same way to fat blockers, but instead of just blocking a percentage of fat – they bind with it, allowing the fat to pass through your system in much solid state.

Fat binders do not cause the orange goo associated with fat blockers.

PhenQ buy directPhenQ is a natural binder made from plant extracts that can also stop the absorption of fat from food consumed.

PhenQ has the added advantage of being side effect free and free from chemicals.

PhenQwas recently voted best binder for the second consecutive year by successful slimmers who participtated in a poll by the readers of the Telegraph.

More about PhenQ

