Boots Carb Control Review

Boots Carb Control

High street chemist chain Boots stock a wide range of both third party and inhouse own brand diet pills and diet products.

Until recently their branding was a bit hit an miss – now it seems they have got their act together and have produced a range of diet supplements that can rival some of the high profile third party independent products.

Boots have just introduced Carb Control, a supplement that can reduce the effect of taking on too many carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are essential as they provide the body with energy or fuel – but take on too much while leading a sedimentary lifestyle and this additional body fuel get converted to body fat for use at a later date.

Read More about Carbohydrates and Weight Loss

What Is Boots Carb Control

A non prescription diet pill that can purchased without GP or doctor approval – it is made from natural ingredients and is classed a supplement to support weight loss and not be taken instead of a balanced diet.

How Does Boots Carb Control Work

  • Contains a glycoprotein complex that can prevent a portion of carbohydrates that are digested and absorbed by the body.
  • To be used as part of your existing diet plan or weight loss programme in can be used in tandem with other diet products.
  • Your pharmacist or doctor can help with advice and support on lifestyle changes and healthy eating.

Who Is Best Suited To Carb Control

Carb Cravers: anyone who eat excessive amounts of carbohydrates followed by hunger pangs and energy slumps.
Energy Eaters: anyone who crave high carb intakes to fulfill energy demands and satisfy appetite.
Disorganised Eaters:
anyone with a hectic lifestyle which leads to eating or on the go and consumption of carbohydrate heavy foods.

Can Carb Control Cause Side Effects

Should not cause or be responsible for nay ill effects if used in conjunction with the directive supplied in the packaging.

Where To Buy Boots Carb Control

In store at Boots the chemist is the most obvious supply outlet.

Is Carb Control Worth Trying

Anything that is produced my the pharmaceutical team at Boots should not be ignored. The feeling is that there are one or two already existing carb blockers that are more effective and with a more impressive story to tell.

PhenQ fat burner UKAlternative Carb Blockers

It is extremely hard to look outside of PhenQ the carb blocker that has made the headlines in the national papers.

PhenQ is reported to reduce carb absorption by 80% and reduce daily calorie consumption by a third.

More about PhenQ


Best Carb Blockers UK

Best Carb Blockers

Stopping the absorption of a portion of carbohydrate intake (carb blocking) is absolutely vital to anyone looking to diet and lose a few pounds.

Carbohydrates, although essential are a little too plentiful in the modern western diet and so some of the excess body fat you may have around your midriff, buttocks and thighs can be attributed to the consumption of too many carb rich foods.

Carbohydrates (carbs) are the main source of energy in the human body, they provide the fuel and come from a variety of foods that you eat. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex.

Typical carbohydrate type foods are pasta , bread, pancakes, corn, root crops like potatoes, vegetables fruit juices and most packaged cereals.

The carbohydrates you consume are broken down into smaller sugar molecules, called glucose and digested by your stomach.

Once your food is digested into glucose, it travels in your bloodstream as the immediate source of energy or is kept in the liver and muscles as glycogen for use when you need more energy. The excess is converted into fat.

The cause of this fat excess can be stopped at source by the use of a Carb Blocker

The following are the three top Carb Blockers available to Uk Consumers.


Meratol is possibly the most attractive of all the carb blockers. Meratol is designed to reduce glycemic and insulinemic indexes of meals in everyday life.

It can reduce carb absorption by over 80%, reduce appetite by a half and reduce daily calorie consumption by nearly 30%.

Recently featured in the media and specifically by Lauren Goodger of TOWIE (The Only Way Is Essex) fame.

It is classed as side effect free and available by without prescription.

More about Meratol


The formulation has been developed buy one of the most respected pharmaceutical companies in Europe.

It has many satisfied customers – recently Gail Porter gave a glowing testimonial.

Decarb is responsible for preventing over 60% of carbohydrate absorption

More about DeCarb


Dietrine is one of only a handful of commercially available diet products that has some clinical research and scientific study attached to it.

There are no less than 7 clinical studies performed on the brand both for effect and safety.

Dietrine contains Phase2 and can reduce carb absorption.

More about Dietrine


Carb Minders Phase 2

Carb Minders Review

There are several branded carb blockers that have appeared on the market in recent months, one of latest being Holland and Barretts own brand – Carb Minder with Phase 2.

Carb blockers have a proven track record of success in varying degrees depending on the particular brand and can be used in conjunction with other genres of diet pills such as fat binders, fat burner and appetite suppressants.

How Do Carb Blockers Work

Carbohydrates are found in a majority of the foods we eat on a daily basis, Carbohydrates are not “bad” as they are essential to our body as a rich source of energy.

It is when we consume too much carbohydrate without regularly exercising or at least being mobile that this energy get converted into fat.

Read More About How Carbohydrates Effect Our Weight

What Is Phase 2

Some of the branded carb blockers you will come across will advertise Phase 2 as an ingredient.

Phase 2 is completely natural food extract that can neutralise the starch from the carbohydrate foods in your food.

It is derived from the white kidney bean and the most prominent of all the substances that can help to stop the effect of too much starch.

Carb Minder Side Effects

If taken as recommended, Carb Minder is completely safe and free from potential side effects.

Does Carb Minder Work

To a degree, but cannot compete with two of the industries premier branded highly potent products, DeCarb and Dietrine.

Where To Buy Carb Minder

In store at Holland and Barrett priced at around £10.00

Recommended Diet Pill

PhenQ buy directPhenQ – a natural fat burner, fat blocker and appetite suppressant combination that is proving incredibly popular in the UK. It has received many features and positive reviews.

PhenQ is also a carb blocker that can not only reduce your carb intake but also lower your cholesterol levels, reduce your appetite and increase your energy

Read more about PhenQ here