Why Do I Put On Weight
Putting on weight to the extent that you become overweight or even obese is not only unhealthy, even dangerous – but also depressing.
A vicious circle can seem to materialise – I am fat – I am depressed – I comfort eat. This is just one of number of possible causes of weight gain
Why Does Weight Gain Occur
There are many factors that could contribute to your current physical condition.
The most common is that you have trouble controlling your over indulgence – or, if you are female – you could be pregnant.
Over indulgence (over eating or drinking) is the number cause of weight gain. Although obvious it is often overlooked and blame is apportioned elsewhere.
There are many other reasons that may not seem so obvious, you may gain weight even if you are exercising regularly and eating healthily.
An Underlying Medical Condition
Often, weight gain can be attributed to a medical issue that you may not be fully aware of.
There could be underlying problem that is not immediately identifiable such as diabetes or another serious illness.
Or possibly a newly administered prescribed medicine could be the possible cause.
The contraceptive pill is a well known example of such medication that often can be the cause of putting on a few extra and unwanted pounds. It could be argued that the benefits of the contraceptive pill outweigh the disadvantage of weight gain.
If you do think maybe medication is causing you to gain extra weight consult your doctor to find out if he or she can recommend an alternative.
In a similar vein, if you think that your weight gain is quite sudden and possibly an underlying medical condition is the probable cause, seek medical attention.
You Could Be Lacking Essential Fats
Strange as it may seem, you may not have enough fat, not all fats are bad for you.
In fact foods such as fish contain many of the fats needed to maintain a healthy body. If your body does not get an adequate supply of these fats it will crave them and you will almost certainly misinterpret this and substitute with the wrong kind of fat.
A diet doesn’t mean less it – get into the mindset that starving yourself can have the opposite desired effect.
Allergic Reaction Could Cause Weight Gain
You may suffer from a food allergy. The most common foodstuffs that can cause a reaction are dairy products and nuts. Your physician should be able to test you for allergic reaction to most foods that you normally come in to contact with or consume
In some cases food allergies can be deadly but for the most they can make us feel nauseous and cause a slight fluctuation to our weight.
A visit to your doctor is suggested – food allergy tests are fairly simple and common place nowadays.
The above are just a few reasons why you may be gaining weight. Your emotions could also play a big part in it as we tend to overeat or eat the wrong foods when we are upset or angry.
Also, your sleeping pattern may not be helping as tiredness also encourages you to eat the wrong things.
Overall if you are worried speaking to a doctor may help. They will be able to run full tests and see if there is an underlying cause of your weight gain.
You may even be overweight without realising it. We all have a rather unique view of ourselves. To check to see if you are the right weight for your height check yourBody Mass Index (BMI) Check your BMI here