Emotional Eating Kit Review

Holland and Barrett are stocking some new diet products with the expected seasonal upturn in sales just around the corner.

Although diet pills and slimming tablets are by far the most popular and best selling products on the weight loss market there is always room for something different.

Not so long ago the concept of diet drops were introduced and fuelled by one of two celebrities who let slip that the reason for their weight loss success was the use of diet drops.

Diet drops are administered by squeezing one or drops of the formula onto the tongue at certain times of the day (usually before a meal) with the desired effect being a suppression of appetite and after effect that can help to mobilise body fat.

This brings us to the  Emotional Eating Kit from Bach

The Emotional Eating Kit comprises of three naturally formulated flower essences produced to aid your diet and healthy living regimes.

It is claimed that it is the first product of this particular ilk available to British consumers, specifically help deal with the emotions linked to comfort eating.

The flower essences are:

  • Chestnut Bud (Aesculus hippocastanum) ideal if you are prone to making the same dieting mistakes time and time again, Chestnut Bud is thought to help you gain knowledge from your experience.
  • Crab Apple (Malus pumila) When you feel unclean or dislike something about yourself, Crab Apple is thought to help you accept yourself and any imperfections you think you may have.
  • Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera) For when disaster strikes and you may be losing control of your diet, Cherry Plum could help you to think and act rationally.

What is Theory Behind Emotional Eating

Emotional Eating is when food is used as an emotion a crutch, a way of transferring feelings away the current situation, usually negative emotions. Or put more simply – when bad things happen some of turn to food as a comfort.

 How To Use

Usage various from person to person depending on when emotions are experienced, you may may want to take one, two or all three of the flower essences contained in one dosage. Your feelings may vary on a daily basis so you can change your choices whenever you want.

Drop two drops of each chosen essence directly on the tongue, four times a day. or, add two drops of each chosen essence to a drink of water and sip at intervals.

For convenience when using more than one essence, add two drops of each to an empty 30ml dropper bottle. Top up with mineral water, adding a teaspoonful of brandy or cider vinegar if you wish. From this bottle take four drops at least four times a day.

Potential Side Effects

Perfectly natural and so unlikely to cause any concern or side effects

Does The Emotional Kit Work

It is extremely hard to give a definitive yes or  no answer to products as the Emotion Eating Kit as emotion and psychology play a big part and there is not scientific or clinical trial performed. If you use the product and because of what you have read it does stop you from comfort eating then it has worked to some degree.

Where To Buy 

In store at Holland and Barrett, the price is between £10 and £15

Alternative Products

LDD (Liquid Diet Drops) is a complex formula that is made up of natural amino acids that help you lose weight quickly and rapidly by breaking down body fat converting it into fuel for your body.

Liquid Diet drops can suppress appetite as well raising energy levels. They are an ideal alternative to diet pills for those who have trouble swallowing.

More about Liquid Diet Drops
