Slimnsexy Diet Pills

Slim N Sexy Diet Pills

Slim and Sexy Diet PillsIf branding is anything to go by – the Slim N Sexy Pill is a product that would most likely appeal to every woman with a BMI (Body Mass Index) upwards of 25.

Imagine a product that can aid the weight loss process and give you an improvement to your love life by boosting your libido.

A combination of three herbs can do exactly that says the Slimnsexy website!

There is similar product available in the United States that promises all of the above … and a potion to increase your breast size.

What is The Slim N Sexy Slimming Pill

A combination of natural herbs with the main three being:

  • Yerba Mate
  • Damiana
  • Guarana

Slim N Sexy In The Media

The Sun newspaper published an article detailing the plight of a 22 year old man who planned to make legal history by naming a diet product (Slim N Sexy Pill) as third party in a divorce.

According to the 22 year old man – his wife shed two stones and became so over keen on bedtime activities that he couldn’t keep up and felt constantly tired trying to appease his wife’s new found libido – arguments subsequently ensued and legal action sought.

Real story or clever marketing job – the simple fact that the Sun newspaper ran the story casts just the slightest doubt over its validity and that the story may have been planned for a marketing campaign.

Any Side Effects

Unlikely to cause any side effects, that is aside from disappointment

Does The Slim and Sexy Diet Pill Work

The kindest thing to say about this product is that it most likely wont effect your weight loss effective positively and more than likely wont improve your love life.

The clinical trials that supposedly took place look highly dubious.

Alternative Diet Pills

Proactol Plus – a serious commercial diet pill with certification.

Proactol Plus is the heavy weight diet product that is fully licensed by the MHRA – Slim N Sexy is anything but.

Proactol Plus does exactly what it says on the tin.

More about Appetite Suppressants


Zalestrim Diet Pills

Zalestrim 3 in 1 Formula

Zalestrim 3 in 1 weight lossThere are weight loss products that are aimed at one specific genre ie. fat binding, fat burning or appetite suppressing.

Then there are those that engage a multi pronged tactic by claiming other health benefits such as detox as well as weight loss.

And then there is Zalestrim

This headline taken directly from the Zalestrim website is both comical and strange!

“Attention All Middle Aged Women”

Apparently the makers of Zalestrim have produced a product that fits the three most important needs of a middle aged women – they have “invented” a product, bottled it and made it available to purchase.

What Is Zalestrim

A diet pill that not only promises weight loss but breast enhancement and a significant increase in sexual desire, a libido enhancer – or put another way, Viagra for women.

So can Zalestrim really aid the weight loss process, make your boobs bigger and give you an increased sexual appetite.

If a product such as this really worked it would be on sale everywhere

Zalestrim The Sexy Part

Sorry to disappoint but we are going to gloss over the sexual benefits of this 3 in 1 wonder formula as it just too ridiculous to go into any great detail.

Zalestrim And Weight Loss

The main focus of this product it would appear is its benefits to dieting and the weight loss. In truth we have no idea how it works and whether it is a fat burner, fat binder or appetite suppressant or just simply relies on the magic of the placebo effect

Any Side Effects

Probably not aside from disappointment and the sprouting of a pair of donkey ears once you realise you have been duped in buying this “Whole Body Tranformation Pill”

Does Zalestrim Work

It is highly unlikely that  you will lose weight using this product – it is even more unlikely that you will notice any increase to you bust size and your sexual appetite.

