Reductil Diet Pill Banned

Reductil bannedFor the second time in just under a year an anti obesity diet pill has been banned and withdrawn from pharmacists shelves.

In the early spring Acomplia was removed amid possible suicide risk and other associated mental problems. Now Reductil has be banned due to links with potential risk of heart attacks and strokes.

The European Medicines Agency acted swiftly and the ban will take place with immediate effect – GP’s are currently contacting patients who are under prescription are advising them stop.

What Is Reductil

Reductil uses the active ingredient Sibutramine, an appetite suppressant that works by fooling the brain into telling the stomach that it is full.

It is not available to buy in the high street or legitimately online via the web.

Alternatives To Reductil

natural appetite suppressantsAppetite suppressants are extremely effective in the weight loss process – natural appetite suppressants exits that do not present the potentially harmful side effects that chemically produced drugs do.

More about Natural Appetite Suppressants
