Trimmers Original Diet Pills

Trimmer Original Day Time Fat BurnerTrimmers produce a range of fat burners and appetite suppressants – the original formula is probably the best and most widely used.

Trimmers Original Day Timer Fat Burner claims it can not only burn excess body fat but also suppress appetite and provide a boost to energy levels.

Trimmers have been available to purchase for several years over the counter and via selected authorized online stockists without the need of a GP prescription.

How Does Trimmers Day Time Fat Burner Work

It is claimed that the Trimmers Day Time formula work through a process of thermogenics, a  process employed by most of the latest fat burner diet pills, where the body expels or burns stored calories through heat and energy.

Fat Burner – Appetite Suppressant – Energy Boost

The Day Time fat burner product includes four essential ingredients: magnesium for raising energy levels, Vitamin E and Zinc that can promote healthier skin, hair and nails – and Chromium, the ingredient responsible for getting rid of excess body fat.

Trimmers Original Ingredients

>Each Capsule contains the following
Sida Cordifolia Extract (8%)
Guarana Extract (22% Caffeine)
Kola Nut (20% Caffeine)
Citrus Aurantium Extract (6% Synephrine)
Vitamin E (DL-Tocopherol)
Zinc (Amino Acid Chelate)
Chronium (Polynicotinate)
Proprietary Blend (50mg), Consisting of: Lecithin, Siberian Ginseng, Ginger Root, Damiana, Nettle Leaf, Gota Kola, Spirulina, Astragalus, Garlic, Sarsaparilla Root.
Capsule Shell: Vegetable Cellulose.

The product contains a high caffeine content and is also suitable for vegetarians.

Trimmers Original Side Effects

Should not cause a severe side effect or reaction – although a high caffeine content could make some users experience a headache, sickness, restlessness and a jittery feeling.

These symptoms are pretty consistent with a majority of today’s fat burners.

Does Trimmers Original Work

A majority of fat burners on the market do tend to flatter to deceive. If you were eligible for a course of diet pills from your GP, he or she would not prescribe a fat burner.

The most likely genre a GP or doctor would be likely to prescribe is a fat blocker/binder or an appetite suppressant.

Where To Buy Trimmers Original

Available at most high street stores that stock slimming or diet products and abundantly available to purchase online via the internet.

Other Diet Pills To Consider

Practol fat binder comparedOne of the most effective over the counter diet pills widely used over the last few years is Proactol

Proactol is a fat binder that can stop the absorption of dietary fat.

Proactol was voted best fat binder 2008 and again in 2009 by readers of the Daily Telegraph is the yearly “Best Ways To Lose Poll”

More about Proactol
