Zotrim Herbal Weight Loss Aid

Zotrim Review

Zotrim diet pill reviewZotrim has been ever present in UK high street stores such as Boots, Superdrug and Tesco for several years.

Advertised as the “natural aid to lasting weight loss” it has remained relatively unchanged in product as well as marketing message since its introduction.

Familiar high street brands that Zotrim competes with are Lipobind and Adios as well as proprietary products such as Boots Diet Aid

Recently Adios and Lipobind have utilised marketing funds at their disposal, most likely to combat the threat of two newcomers: Appesat, the so called “seaweed” diet pill and most notably Alli – the chemical based former prescription only diet drug from US pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline

“2.3 kg average weight loss in six weeks” – British Food Journal

Zotrim, on the other hand has remained relatively low key to date – this though, is the only criticism that can be targeted at Zotrim.

What Is Zotrim

What is ZotrimZotrim is designed to tackle the two most common causes of weight gain and the apparent inability to lose it.

Over-indulgence – taking on more calories per day than perhaps we should

Calorie retention – not expelling more calories daily take we take on.

Or to use the philosophy that Zotrim employs – Calories in and Calories out.

If your particular ideology is to purchase the best possible product for the least outlay then Zotrim is there or there abouts.

A recent study was performed on the cost per lbs lost ratio (in other words someone who obviously had too much time on their hands analysed how much the various high street diet pills cost per poundage lost)

Zotrim or Lipobind, Alli, Appesat or Adios

Zotrim Compared to Lipobind, Alli, Adios and Appesat

Zotrim was adjudged to have cost £4.50 per pound of weight lost while its two nearest rivals Alli (£37 per pound) and Appesat (£54 per pound) with Lipobind heading for the realms of small mortgage territory.

Zotrim costs around £21.99 for single monthly packages with up 25% discounts for quantity Purchases.

How Does Zotrim Work

Zotrim is formulated using three main ingredients: Yerba Mate, Guarana and Damiana A detailed explanation can be found on the Zotrim website. Read

Less calories in: The Zotrim formulation can make you feel full sooner during a meal and for longer after a meal so you eat and snack less.

More calories Out: Zotrim can help you to feel invigorated and more energetic so that you are more active.

“It is when the clinical research is studied that Zotrim distances itself from the competition by quite some way”

Zotrim Clinical Evidence

Zotrim may be behind the big 4 (Adios, Lipobind, Alli and Appesat) in terms of marketing strength – but when the clinical evidence and scientific study is examined, there does appear to be some pretty conclusive arguments.

No fewer that 8 independent documents exist dating back to 2001 with The British Food Journal and Kings College London among the authors.

Prehaps the biggest endorsement of Zotrim (and indictment on Alli, Lipobind et al) is the recent BBC2 Programme Professor Regan’s Diet Clinic.

Zotrim clinical evidenceFor anyone unfamiliar with Professor Regan and her technique – imagine the cast of Dragons Den, Watch Dog and Rogue Traders rolled into one.

In recent months she was responsible for “savagely undermining the beauty cream and anti ageing industry” – more recently she applied the same technique to the high street diet pill industry.

There were not that many high street diet products that survived a mauling.

Zotrim not only came through the experience relatively unscathed but earned muted approval.

Where To Buy Zotrim

Buy ZotrimZotrim can be purchased from several major high street outlets including: Boots, Sainsburys, Tesco, Superdrug and Asda.

Purchases can also be made direct with a discounted pricing structure from the official reseller store

Official Zotrim Reseller Website



Zotrim Herbal Diet Pills

Zotrim herbal weight loss aidZotrim is the dual action weight loss aid that acts as an appetite suppressant and provides and energy boost.

It encourages you to eat less and do more.

The message that Zotrim tries to promote is less calories in and more calories out!

It is aimed at a UK consumer and fairly well known on the high street but remains pretty much an unknown quantity in the USA. This is a real pity as its clinical study into its efficacy is unrivaled and backed up in no small way thanks to a particular Watchdog type BBC programme presented by Professor Regan.

Diet Clinic BBC2 April 2009, featured the claims (mostly unsubstantiated) made by the leading high street diet pill manufacturers with brands such as Lipobind, Adios, Alli and Appesat (as well as Zotrim) coming under scrutiny.

Does Zotrim WorkThe BBC’s Diet Clinic statement:

“The only high street diet product which could show a clear link between weight loss and their product was a herbal diet pill, called Zotrim, which makes you feel full.

Their research had been published in a reputable journal and conducted with a control group to compare any placebo effect.”

Zotrim Clinical Study

The British Food Journal and Kings College London are among several high profile establishments responsible for publishing documents verifying the appetite suppressing effect, weight reduction and safety of Zotrim.

Zotrim Success Stories And Testimonials

Zotrim success storiesZotrim have their fair share of success stories – one particular, features  a case study of a busy mother of two who lost 4 stone over a two year period.

Contrary to a majority of competitive brands, Zotrim shy away from celebrity endorsement preferring the real life and largely more believable success stories.

How Does Zotrim Work

The official Zotrim UK website states…

If too much food is causing a weight issues, Zotrim has been created to help you reduce food intake. Zotrim could work to help you feel full more quickly during a meal and for longer afterwards. This will help you to eat less during meals and avoid snacking.

The plants used in Zotrim are well known for their invigorating properties. Zotrim may also help you to be more active and to burn more calories.

Zotrim Side Effects

If taken as prescribed it is highly unlikely to cause an adverse reaction

Does Zotrim Work

The BBc2 programme has  shaken the high street “over the counter” diet pill industry. High street stockists such as Boots, Superdrug, Tesco and Asda have had to rethink how they allocate and display the various brands.

Prior to the Diet Clinic programme Zotrim was given a backseat while high performing brands such as Lipobind and the new “miracle diet pill” Alli given the lionshare and premier shelf space.

It appears that of all the diet pills regularly found in store – it is only Zotrim that does what it says on this tin.

Where To Buy Zotrim

Buy Zotrim DirectZotrim can be purchased in store at Boots, Superdrug, Tesco, Asda and Morrisons.

Customers can also buy Zotrim direct at discount from the official Zotrim authorised reseller website

