Leptovox Diet Pills

Leptovox Superfood Diet Supplement

Leptovox Superfood SupplementKeeping in theme with current health drive that the media is currently promoting several dozen “Superfood” weight loss supplements have appeared on the market – most offering not just fast weight loss but an all round health solution that would appear particularly attractive to a female of certain age.

Leptovox is one such Superfood supplement that offers the obligatory fast weight loss, detox and cleanse, a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and a reduction of acne.

So basically a supplement that can treat obesity, stop the ageing process, clear up spots and detox your system. A supplement just like Lipovox

This new breed of Superfood weight loss supplements all follow a similar theme –  most “discovered by accident” and all offering the solution to fast weight loss and perfect skin.

Lose 12lbs In 3 Days


Acne Gone Overnight


Look 10 Years In A Week

What Is Leptovox

We could almost direct you to the Lipovox review as both products are near identical both in ingredients, the story behind the discovery and the marketing.

Leptovox is a combination of 10 Superfoods that when taken on a regular basis can do all of the above!!!

Leptovox and products like it are synonymous with hype – just some of the attention grabbing headlines used are:

What Is The Difference Between Leptovox And Lipovox

Both Superfood supplements are remarkably similar but there are one or differences. Leptovox contains Idebonone whereas Lipovox does not appear to and Lipovox contains salmon oil, lipoic acid and DMAE .

Leptovox Success Stories

There are many Leptovox success stories centered around rapid or fast weight loss, dramatic disappearance of acne and a new found healthy glow.

Most of the success stories originate from the Leptovox official website. Impartial positive reviews, success stories and customer comment do seem few and far between.

There have also been several complaints concerning Leptovox.

Where To Buy Leptovox

You can buy Leptovox from the official website or from hundreds of other online outlets. It seems anyone can purchase in bulk and sell – even on eBay.

Does Leptovox Work –  Is It Recommended

Doubtful and no

Alternative Diet Pills

Capsiplex is a powerful and yet safe fat burner. It is quite possibly the slimming tablet with the most column inches devoted to it.

When Capsiplex was first introduced it sold out completely after just 3 days selling 50,000 units. It sold a reported 1 million units in first few months.

Capsiplex has won many accolades it and has been coined the Miracle Diet Pill.

To find out why read more about Capsiplex

Hydroxycut Diet Pills UK

Hydroxycut – No1 Selling Diet Pill In USA

Hydroxcut lose weight fastHydroxycut uses the phrase America’s Number 1  Selling Weight Loss Supplement in nearly all of its marketing campaigns – online, in magazine publications and on the television.

Hydroxycut has been removed from sale – please read this page

Whether this true or not is open to debate. One thing that is true is that they have a huge marketing budget at their disposal.

Hydroxycut now produce a range of diet, weight loss and detox products – even a new drink. They are really exploiting the lucrative weight loss market for all that its worth.

What Is Hydroxycut

Hydroxycut is now a brand for a range of diet product, for the purpose of this review we are going to concentrate on the diet pill or weight loss supplement.

Hydroxycut before and afterA few years ago Hydroxycut had an association with the fat burning ingredient Ephedra. Ephedra is now a banned substance and so the manufacturers had to rethink the formula – they did, have now released the new Advanced Hydroxcut

Hydroxycut now includes the key ingredient Garcinia Cambogia within the formula.

How Does Hydroxycut Help With Weight Loss

The key ingredient acts a thermogenic intensifier – which plain and simply means fat burner. The formula is advertised as having these benefits

  • Quick Fat Loss
  • Reduce Food Cravings
  • Energize Boost

So basically it can burn fat and suppress appetite – although diet pills that offer more than one type of weight loss method (burn fat, block fat or suppress appetite_ often are a guilty of a major compromise.

Side Effects Caused By Hydroxycut

As with a majority of fat burner some side effects can occur. The most likely side effects will be:

  • Dizziness
  • Sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Headache
  • Nausea

Does Hydroxycut Work

It is one of the better fat burners on the open market – but fat burners are the least effective of the diet pill genres.

Where To Buy Hydroxycut UK

There are several outlets and stockists via the internet, even ebay?  UK purchases can be made through the official US Hydroxycut website as shipping is worldwide.

Alternative Diet Pills

If you have a relatively high BMI (Body Mass Index) you may qualify for a prescription diet pill depending on your GP stance. The most likely prescribed diet pill in the UK is Xenical.

Xenical prescription onlyXenical is a fat blocker that can stop or prevent the absorption of dietary fat.

Fat blockers (or diet pills that prevent the absorption of fat) are highly effective.

Unfortunately Xenical is not available to buy on the high street or on the internet – it can only be obtained via GP consultation. Do you qualify, more about Xenical
