Diet Pills For Quick Weight Loss

Best Diet Pills For Quick Weight Loss

A diet pill, slimming tablet or weight loss supplement can offer a dieter a quick weight solution – but be mindful that all that glitters is not gold.

There are two types of diet pill that a dieter can use, a prescription only diet pill that is only available by GP consultation and an over the counter product.

Prescription diet pills are chemical based (drugs for want of a better description) and users can experience both rapid weight loss and the potential for one or two side effects.

Possibly the most commonly prescribed diet pills are Xenical and Phentermine

Over The Counter Diet Pills

Over the counter diet pills (or non prescription) do not have any restrictions on purchasing and are usually herbal based.

The over the counter diet pill industry is worth millions to the respective companies involved – sometimes the marketing material is slightly elaborated as to the expected weight loss result you can achieve.

To this end it is highly advised to not believe everything you read.

What Are The Best Diet Pills

There are dozens upon dozens of different brand to choose from – you would be forgiven for being extremely bamboozled by the sheer volume.

The reality is though that most diet pills used the same ingredients, it is just the branding that is different.

With this in mind – here is a list of the 4 most effective diet pills from both the prescription and non prescription markets.

Best Diet Pills


7 Day Slimming Pill Review

7 Day Diet Pill Review

The 7 Day Slimming Pill is a non prescription diet pill that claims it can help you lose up to 20 lbs in the first week of usage.

It is a fat burner and also has detox agents to cleanse your digestive system and rid it of harmful toxins and excess waste material that can build up over time.

There is a two step action involved with the 7 Day Diet Pill:

Fat Burning Ingredients – the 7 Day Diet Pill claims it contain premier and fast acting ingredients to reduce fat content from your system.

These fast acting metabolic boosters can increase fat burning potential by up to 78%.

Detox Ingredients – the 7 Day Diet Pill also claims it can rid of toxins caused by undigested material laying in your small intestines.

These toxins can disrupt your glandular functions and slow down your metabolic rate.

Is It Possible To Lose 7 lbs in 7 Days?

The short answer is yes, but it is not sustainable – most product that offer a quick weight loss solution, in reality offer a very temporary solution.

A majority of the weight that is lost is not fat but excess water – the initially weigh is usually put straight back on again

7 Day Slimming Pill Side Effects

Should not cause anything severe – however some users have complained about unusual bowel movements.

Does The 7 Day Slimming Pill Work

The problem with products such as this is that too many ingredients are present in the formula – there are 35 ingredients in the 7 Day Slimming Pill. the lesser ingredients tend to dilute the effect of the more effective ones

Where To Buy 7 Day Slimming Pill UK

Currently only available to buy from the official website.

Alternative Diet Pills

If you are looking for a weight loss and detox solution, Acai Berry is ideal.

Acai can aid the weight loss process, detox, fight signs of ageing and provide mineral and vitamins.

Acai Plus is premier product that is a best seller in the UK and Europe.

More about Acai Berries


Slim Weight Patch For Weight Loss

Slim Weight Patch Review

For some dieters a diet pill or slimming tablet may cause problems – some people can often have difficulty swallowing orally taken supplements.

This is where a diet patch (slimming patch) can offer a solution.

A diet patch can provide the same level of weight loss as a comparable diet pill – it is only the method of introducing the ingredients into your body that differs.

The Slim Weight Patch is the latest slimming patch to released into the marketplace and it is really rather good.

It comprises of a the latest effective weight loss ingredients in one simple to use easy apply diet patch.

“Doctors around the world are calling Diet Patches “the weight loss system of the future”

How Does The Slim Weight Loss Patch Work

The patch is applied once a day to either the upper arm, thigh or abdomen – it is small, discreet and offers a time release throughout the day.

The method of getting the ingredients into your body is via trans-dermal delivery, which sounds scientific but actually just means through the skin.

Many doctors and leading healthcare professionals in the field of diet and weight loss are calling the trans-dermal delivery method the delivery system of the future.

Patches are not new – other forms of patches using trans-dermal delivery have been used to curb addiction for many years now, particularly to help stop smoking.

Nicotine patches pretty much prove that trans-dermal delivery works.

Slim Weight Patch Ingredients

The Slim Weight Patch has ten clinically proven weight loss ingredients: Fucus Vesiculosus, 5 HTP, Guarana and L-Carnitine.

Slimming Patch Side Effects

Quite possibly one of the safest to use weight loss aids. The ingredients within the patch are introduced slowly over a 24 hour period and so should not cause a shock to the system.

Highly unlikely to cause an adverse reaction or a side effect.

Is The Slim Weight Patch Recommended

We highly recommend this particular brand – it is competitively priced (around £20 for a month supply), has a long guarantee period (180 day) and hails from a company with a strong background in the weight loss industry.

Where To Buy The Slim Weight Patch

Currently only available from the official website.

Orders can be placed online using their secure billing system.

Buy Slim Weight Patch Direct
