Buy body strategist abdomen patches UK

Body Strategist Abdomen Patches UK

The Body Strategist Abdomen Patch is receiving lots of publicity largely due to newspaper report that suggest that you can get flatter abs in just a month.

The articles are further emboldened by linking British athletics golden girl, Jessica Ennis to the product.

The abdomen patch is formulated from suaeda maritime a natural ingredient harvested from a type of seaweed found in North West europe that helps break down compound fats and lipids in the abdomen area.

Without wishing to delve too deeply into the products finer workings is uses hydrogel technology and a self-heating action.

‘The newly introduced Body Strategist Patch is an innovative product that works perfectly to tone and flatten the abdomen.

Jessica Ennis (winner of the gold medal in the Heptathlon) has a very toned and defined abdomen and was voted to have the most desirable stomach in Britain in a recent poll.

She is one of the most instantly recognisable images from the London Olympics.

The big question is can we get a body like Jessica’s without having to commit hours at the gym training – apparently so if Comfort Zone (the manufacturers) are to be believed.

How To use

Weight loss patches are very easy to use simply apply to the stomach area once a day and forget. The ingredient get absorbed into the skin by something called transdermal delivery.

This helps the ingredients activate more quickly by bypassing the stomach and getting directly into the blood stream.

Where To Buy Body Strategist Abdomen Patch

Can be purchased via several online stockists but surprisingly hardly any via the UK high street (Boots, Superdrug and major high street chemists)

Other Slimming Patches To Consider

The Slim Weight Patch is a very similar product and has been developed by a pharmaceutical company but available to buy without prescription

If you are considering using a weight loss patch then the SLim Weight Patch should be high on your list

Read Slim Weight Patch Review


Slim Weight Patch For Weight Loss

Slim Weight Patch Review

For some dieters a diet pill or slimming tablet may cause problems – some people can often have difficulty swallowing orally taken supplements.

This is where a diet patch (slimming patch) can offer a solution.

A diet patch can provide the same level of weight loss as a comparable diet pill – it is only the method of introducing the ingredients into your body that differs.

The Slim Weight Patch is the latest slimming patch to released into the marketplace and it is really rather good.

It comprises of a the latest effective weight loss ingredients in one simple to use easy apply diet patch.

“Doctors around the world are calling Diet Patches “the weight loss system of the future”

How Does The Slim Weight Loss Patch Work

The patch is applied once a day to either the upper arm, thigh or abdomen – it is small, discreet and offers a time release throughout the day.

The method of getting the ingredients into your body is via trans-dermal delivery, which sounds scientific but actually just means through the skin.

Many doctors and leading healthcare professionals in the field of diet and weight loss are calling the trans-dermal delivery method the delivery system of the future.

Patches are not new – other forms of patches using trans-dermal delivery have been used to curb addiction for many years now, particularly to help stop smoking.

Nicotine patches pretty much prove that trans-dermal delivery works.

Slim Weight Patch Ingredients

The Slim Weight Patch has ten clinically proven weight loss ingredients: Fucus Vesiculosus, 5 HTP, Guarana and L-Carnitine.

Slimming Patch Side Effects

Quite possibly one of the safest to use weight loss aids. The ingredients within the patch are introduced slowly over a 24 hour period and so should not cause a shock to the system.

Highly unlikely to cause an adverse reaction or a side effect.

Is The Slim Weight Patch Recommended

We highly recommend this particular brand – it is competitively priced (around £20 for a month supply), has a long guarantee period (180 day) and hails from a company with a strong background in the weight loss industry.

Where To Buy The Slim Weight Patch

Currently only available from the official website.

Orders can be placed online using their secure billing system.

Buy Slim Weight Patch Direct


