Relacore Diet Pills

Relacore Diet Pills Review

Relacore ReviewDiet pill manufacturers are rapidly running out of spin in an attempt to give their latest diet product a unique angle or unique selling point.

Relacore attributes the cause of excess body fat to stress. The official Relacore website claims that too much or excessive amounts of stress is the main contributing factor to “stubborn belly fat”

Their solution is the use of a feel good diet pill.

This conclusion was arrived at by the result of scientific study and research.

The research found that the human hormone Cortisol (responsible for regulating our metabolism, blood pressure and immune system) can go into overdrive in times of stress and be produced in abundance by our body.

It is though (by the Relacore R & D dept)  that too much Cortisol release is directly responsible for body fat storage.

What Is Relacore And How Does It Work

A non prescription diet pills that consists of; Magnolia Bark, Passion Flower, Scutellaria, Niacinamide, Panax Ginseng, Pinella Tuber, Poria, Perilla, Jujuba, Phosphotidylserine – that work in conjunction to regulate stress levels.

The product line up is Relacore Extra and Relacore PM

Relacore, it is claimed can reduce the output of Cortisol , thus reducing the the cause of excess body fat.

Side Effects Caused By Relacore

The lack of real clinical research is a major worry. Some of the common side effects associated with usage are;

  • Excess wind, and gas
  • Anxiety and Insomnia
  • High blood pressure
  • Dizziness and headaches

Does Relacore Work

Relacore seems to be aimed at tackling stress rather the weight loss – the connection that they have made is rather a weak one.

Is It Recommneded

Extremely hard to recommend.

Where To Buy Relacore UK

Purchases seem to be exclusive to the official website – their does not appear to a telephone number listed,  just a customer services email address.

Looking Elsewhere, Other Diet Pills To Consider

Proactol Plus – a certified fat binder that pretty much does what it says on the tin.

The MHRA (the governmental body that oversees the validity of health products) is getting tough on the diet industry – hundreds of brands have disappeared, Proactol Plus is here to stay.

Proactol Plus can help you to lose nearly 300 calories per day.

More about Proactol Plus



Using Diet Pills To Lose Weight

Can I Lose Weight With Diet Pills

Can I Lose Weight With Diet PillsIf you are serious about losing weight and have decided that today is the day you are going to make a real concerted effort to lose those extra pounds there are basically three things that you have to do.

The first is make today your ground zero, your D-day – without a definitive start you are likely to let today become tomorrow and another week and another month will roll by.

So, today is the day – not tomorrow.

The second course of action is to acknowledge the reason why you have become overweight – in almost all scenarios the main contributing factor is the amount of food you consume on a daily basis. There may be an underlying medical reason for some, but for the most it is overeating.

The third course of action is to build your diet plan – this where the majority come unstuck. There are literally thousands of diet plans and diet products available – the research stage can be daunting.

A diet plan does not necessarily mean a radical change to your eating habits – old habits die hard. If you enjoy take-aways, cream cakes and fatty foods … continue, but dont overindulge.

The worse thing you can do in the early stage of you diet is to remove the things you enjoying eating. A diet plan simply means a plan for your diet.

Diet Pills To Control Overeating

This is where the use of diet pills can really help. You have most likely done some research using the internet into diet pills, you may have got as far buying some.

The problem that the diet pill industry faces is that 80% of the diet pills that are freely available to purchase will in all probability not work. If you have purchased a packet or bottle of diet tablets you have a 20% chance of the product containing either the correct ingredients or the correct amount of ingredients.

Fat Burners

Diet pills that burn fatOne of the most commonly sold diet pills on high street or on web is the Fat Burner.  Fat burners are heavily marketed on the internet are usually produced by companies that have a loose association with health and strong association with profit. It is the marketers of fat burners that try to make their product highly effective  and irresistible.

If you lead what can best be described a “normal” lifestyle the fat burner is not the diet pill for you. Contrary to popular belief fat burners do not “burn fat” they just provide an increase to the metabolism and raise the heart rate.

Sportsmen and women will gain the most benefit, ordinary everyday people who do not lead a particularly sporty lifestyle will not.

GP Recommended Diet Pills

Some GP’s are in favour in diet pills others are not – the GP’s that do favour the use of diet pills are most likely to prescribe either an appetite suppressant of a diet pill that blocks or prevents the absorption of fat – a fat blocker

GP’s do not prescribe fat burners! The most likely prescribed diet pill is Xenical

Most Effective Non Prescription Diet Pills

Prescription diet pills are not available to everyone – a GP will only prescribe if you are considered dangerously overweight or obese. If you do not fall into this category then it is the non prescription or over the counter market for you.

On of the best types of diet pill to stop over eating is the appetite suppressant – appetite suppressants (unlike fat burners) cause a reaction in the brain. This reaction will stop the need for food and create a feeling a fullness.

Appetite suppressants will reduce you physical want for food by approximately a quarter.

You daily calorie intake can be reduced by 25% by using an effective appetite suppressant without radically and forcibly altering  your dietary habits.

One of the best natural appetite suppressants is Hoodia Gordonii. More about Hoodia Gordonii

Should I Take Diet Pills While Pregnant

Taking Diet Pills During Pregnancy

Should I take diet pills when pregnantDiscovering that you are pregnant is for most women a happy and joyous occasion. One of the obvious byproducts of pregnancy is weight gain.

During pregnancy the average weight gain is 20lb to 30lbs – this is the combined effect of not only the growing child but the additional calories that are taken on (while eating for two) and the obvious lack of exercise.

It is highly advised to refrain from using any weight loss, slimming or diet aids during the course of your pregnancy, if in doubt visit your GP.

So the age old of question of should I take diet pills while pregnant can be answered with a very blunt and succinct – no.

This though, can raise another question – why!

New studies have showed that if you don’t gain at least 15 pounds during your pregnancy your child has a moderate risk of being intellectually stunted. The first 9 months of an unborn childs life are their most important.

Reasons Not To Take Diet Pills When Pregnant

Despite the warnings, some expectant mothers still cannot resist the urge and do not refrain from using diet pills – the worse type of diet pills to take during pregnancy is the prescription only type.

Most prescribed diet pills are chemically based and pharmaceutical drugs aimed at both causing a physical and mental reaction. You should not subject your unborn child to the risks associated with prescription diet pills. More about Prescription Diet Pills

Herbal or natural slimming pills will not harm your baby to the potential extent of the GP prescribed pills but diet products as a whole are aimed at reducing your calorie intake.

The 9 months of pregnancy is one of the only periods where calorie counting and weight watching should go out the window. Your unborn child relies on you for nutrients, don’t disappoint.

Taking Diet Pills After Pregnancy

How to lose baby fat after childbirthSo whatabout when the child is born – are diet pills OK to use? Unfortunately if you are breastfeeding all of the above still implies.

Breast feeding involves the transference of nutrients from mother to child.

Any kind of supplement, herbal or otherwise is also introduced into the child and should not be taken unless under strict supervision from a GP.

When And How To Lose The Baby Weight

Trying to lose baby weight or baby fat after pregnancy is not helped by the celebrity. Celebrity pregnancy give perception that getting rid of the baby weight can happen almost instantly after giving birth.

“it takes 9 months to gain baby fat it …should take 9 months to lose it”

If the truth were to be told a high proportion of celebrities new mothers who claim to have lost their baby fat in an extremely short period after childbirth , in a majority of  cases have had some form of surgical procedure.

Professional nutritionists agree that as it takes 9 months to gain baby fat it should take 9 months to lose it – that is if you choose the healthy option.

So, How To Lose Baby Fat When No Longer Breastfeeding

Now that the child is not longer dependent on your body for nutrients you are free to use whatever means you see fit to shift the additional baby weight.

How to shed the baby weight after childbirthRecently US lifestyle magazine Florida Style featured an article titled Losing The Baby Weight

The article featured the use of natural supplements for women who have limited time and energy to devote to getting back in shape after childbirth and more importantly how to shift the baby fat.

Read How To Lose The Baby Weight