Proactol Diet Pill Tester Job

Get Paid To Take Proactol

Proactol are offering a great job to one lucky individual – a chance to test their diet pill for a full year and get paid handsomely in return.

The story has broken in the UK national press and has been featured in newspapers such as the Mirror, the Sun, the Mail and the Telegraph.

The Mail are calling the position “ideal for Homer Simpson.”

The Proactol job application is being advertised in Job Centres across Britain.

The successful applicant will receive around £24k per year in return for agreeing to take on and extra 400 calories per day. The only other requirement in place is that the employee does not currently follow a diet plan, programme or use any other slimming product.

“We are willing to pay you £24,000 a year to continue doing your normal daily routine, and all we ask in return is that you eat 16 per cent more calories a week  –  or 400 more calories a day  –  whilst Proactol diet pills as recommended”

What Is Proactol And How Does It Work

Proactol Is a completely natural product that can prevent fat absorption approximately 27% of fat content from food consumed) This unabsorbed fat does not get digested by your stomach and leaves  your body naturally via bowel movements.

Proactol does not cause side effects and is classed as Medical Device Type 1

Read Proactol Review

The successful applicant will be monitored throughout the year to gauge its success.

This is an incredibly brave move by Proactol because if the experiment is not a success the fact that it failed will create an even bigger news story.

Will The Proactol Experiment Work

Proactol does have a proven track record was voted best slimming pill of 2008 and 2009 in a poll undertaken by the Telegraph. Successful dieters were asked to list various weight loss methods and product brands that helped them achieve their weight loss goals.

If there is one product that this kind of experiment could prove a success – its Proactol.

Why Not try the experiment for yourself …

Proactol is available to buy direct from their official site. If you want to try Proactol for yourself there is an eVoucher code that will entitle a 15% discount from 4 months packages and above.

Use CEBPR1 (type in at checkout)

Visit Proactol Website


Are Carb Blockers Effective For Weight Loss

Carb Blockers Do They Work

One of the most under used genres of diet pills is the carb blocker. Many people will try to avoid eating fatty or sugary foods and try to discover various ways to cut down on fat consumption.

Reducing the amount of sugar rich or fatty foods is indeed thoroughly recommended but it is another food group, namely, carbohydrates that may be preventing you from achieving your weight loss goals.

What Are Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are an essential part of your daily diet, commonly known as carbs, these are a chemical compound consisting only of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Carbohydrates are found in common foods that eaten everyday often without realising.

Carbohydrates are split into two groups: There are good carbs and bad carbs

It may seem strange calling a specific group of essential foods “bad” and may cause someone to cease from consuming anything from within the group, but all carbohydrates taken in moderation are absolutely essential to optimum health..

Good (Complex) Carbs

Also known as Complex Carbs and found in foodstuffs such as fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grain fibre as well as some nuts and seeds, beans and low fat dairy produce.

Bad (Simple) Carbs

Also known as Simple Carbs and present in foods such as bread, pasta, cakes, as well as white rice and potatoes are considered bad.

Simple carbs are digested much quicker than complex carbs.

Carbohydrates Provide Fuel And Energy

Carbohydrates are one of three building blocks that are considered essential for human beings – the other two being proteins and fats.

When carbohydrates are absorbed by the stomach and enter the blood stream they are broken down into glucose, it is this glucose that is considered to be the body’s fuel and provides energy.

If certain foods are consumed that has more carbohydrates than your body can utilise initially, your body will converts the extra carbs to fat and will store it in fatty cells to use in the future. This is a human adaptive mechanism to keep your body from starving when food is rationed or not available

The obvious negatives to this process is that excess body fat will become noticeable and prominent.

How Carb Blockers Work

PhenQ buy directA carb blocker (or fat blocker as they are known) will usually be taken in capsule pill or tablet form

Taking a carb blocker before a meal has the natural effect of restricting the digestive enzyme’s ability to process carbs, which means that complex starchy carbohydrates remain undigested and pass harmlessly out of the body and leave via bowel movements.

PhenQ is possibly the UK’s best known and most widely sold fat blocker.

Read more about PhenQ


Phosphacore Diet Pills Review UK

Buy Phosphacore UK

Phosphacore diet pill reviewPhosphacore is a typically American diet pill that tries to distance itself from its competitors by drawing attention to some pretty amazing results.

Phosphacore is a fat burner and manufactured by Applied Nutritional Research.

The official website is devoid of any real information apart from advertising soundbites and taglines. There is also a worrying lack of contact information that could prove problematic should a customer service arise.

How Does Phosphacore Work

According to the official website “research from Norway’s Medstat Medical Centre shows the active ingredient in Phosphacore (an extract from the plant Carthamus tinctorius) rapidly oxidizes subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue.

How this actually happens is not explained.

Does Phosphacore Cause Side Effects

Fat burners in general ar prone to causing minor side effects. Fat burners raise the metabolism that can make some users experience a jittery feeling, nausea and headache.

Does Phosphacore Work

The kindest thing we can say about Phosphacore is to look elsewhere

Where To Buy Phosphacore In The UK

Cannot be purchased in the UK via the high street. The official US based website appears to be the only stockist

Other Diet Pills

Capsiplex is the original Chili diet pill. It is quite possibly the diet pill with the most column inches devoted to it.

When Capsiplex was released it sold out completely after just 3 days selling 50,000 units. It sold a reported 1 million units in first 6 month.

Capsiplex has many celebrities associated with it and has been coined the Miracle Diet Pill.

To find out why read more about Capsiplex
