30Days Diet Pills

30 Days Diet Pills

30 Days is the latest diet product to be introduced to the UK, it is a combination product that targets both fat loss and the initial reason (poor colon health) why fat is accumulated.

It is the invention of Norwegian based Med-eq and is the brainchild of professional physician Dr R Strand. Dr Strand has over 20 years experience in the weight loss arena and specialises in nutritional therapy. He has helped literally thousands of patients with weight related problems.

One part of the product is called 30 Days Waistline. 30 Days Waistline has been specifically formulated to target fat around the midriff.

The accumulation of fat around the stomach or belly is considered to be the hardest to shift. Many diet pills are thinly veiled diuretics, diuretics simply expel excess water and give the impression of weight loss.

Getting rid of water can show a poundage decrease on the bathroom scales initially but this is always temporary, as soon as you inevitably rehydrate (drink fluid) those lbs are put straight back on again.

30 Days Waistline is a fat loss diet pill containing Beta Glucans – Beat Glucans can significantly improve the immune system combating the physical damage that stress can inflict. Stress can cause inflammation around the waistline providing a perfect host for fatty deposits to thrive.

30 Days Colon Cleanser

The other part of the product is a colon cleanser. Colon cleansers are becoming increasingly more popular as the relation between poor colon health and weight loss and a whole host of other health issues and conditions become more prevalent.

It is estimated that on average an adult can be carrying somewhere between 5lbs to 10bs of waste material in their colon. The additional weight implications are obvious but what might not be so obvious is that poor colon health and poor colon maintenance can lead to and conditions such as:

  • Weight Gain – disproportionate or protruding belly (bloating)
  • Indigestion – irritable bowel or Crohn’s disease
  • Skin Conditions – eczema and psoriasis
  • Heartburn – indigestion or acidic feeling
  • Constipation – with stomach cramps
  • Acne – bad skin and spots
  • Allergies – allergic reaction to certain foods
  • Body Odour – despite bathing frequently
  • Hemorrhoids – piles or itchy anus
  • Bad Breathe – despite regular teeth brushing

30 Days Colon Cleanser is a completely natural tablet than can flush, detox and cleanse your colon.

Both Waistline and the Colon Cleanser can be bought separately or together as a package.

Where To Buy 30 Days Diet

Purchases can be made from the official website. Waistline costs £39.99 with the colon cleansing supplement at £29.99.

There is a current promotion in effect whereby the two together can be purchased at £49.99. Boots, Holland and Barrett and Superdrug etc are not currently approved stockists.

Bottom Line – Is It Recommended

Extremely hard to recommend. The weight loss/detoxification combo is not a new concept and has been done far effectively and efficiently by Acai.

Acai is considered by many to the number one superfruit than can provide numerous benefits to human health.

Click here to read more about the benefits of Acai



Fenphedrine Diet Pill Review UK

Fenphedrine UK Review

Fenphedrine is a fat burner formulated in the image of so many diet pills that are currently coming out of America.

It is advertised as being the first chemically altered diet pill to be sold over-the-counter and based on years of solid scientific research.

It does not look too dissimilar to Fenphedraand about half a dozen other brands that use the same style marketing, virtually the same ingredient list and a same bottle design.

According the official website Fenphedrine helps your body burn excess fat and acts as an appetite suppressant.

How Does Fenphedrine Work

Its connected to your hormones apparently and the CART, NPY process. rather that write this process word for word as we have done on several occasions in the past it would be easier to point you to our review of Nuphedragen

Does Fenphedrine Cause Side Effects

On the positive side there have not been any documented cases of severe or serious side effects. Pregnant or nursing mothers should avoid.

Where To Buy Fenphedrine In The UK

It is highly unlikely to be available to buy in the UK high street. Not the type of product that Boots, Superdrug or even Tesco would consider.

Purchases seem limited to the official US based website.

Alternative Fat Burners

Capsiplex is the fat burner of choice presently with numerous diet success stories associated with it.

Capsiplex is quickly becoming the fastest selling if not the best selling diet pill non prescription diet pill in the UK – and not without good reason.

Read more about Capsiplex and other popular diet pills that are sold on the open market




SlimQuick Razor Review

SlimQuick Razor UK

SlimQuick Razor is a typically American diet pill that is geared to increase metabolism and raise body temperature in while claiming to burn excess body fat.

It is billed as America’s strongest female fat burner it claims that you can burn up to 25lbs.

The product box contains a warningExtreme Fat Burner” this gives the impression that there is a certain danger associated with this product.

SlimQuick Razor What Is It

A fat burner by definition created to speed up the metabolism and increase the body temperature to create a process that is known as thermogenesis. Most fat burners nowadays use this process to varying degrees of success.

Possible Side Effects

There have been several potential side effects documented although nothing with nay great severity to date. Potential issues include: irritability, anxiety and possible insomnia –  the high caffeine content could be a factor. Pregnant or nursing mothers should refrain from using.

Does SlimQuick Razor Work

Thermogenesis is a common process in most of the fat burners that are available today.

The official SlimQuick website states thatyou can lose 25lbs in 90 daysbut does no go into any great details as to how this actually supposed to happen.

Where To Buy SlimQuick Razor In The UK

It is unlikely to be stocked in high street stockists such as Boots, Superdrug and Tesco. The official website seem to be the only route for potential UK customers.

Should I Buy SlimQuick Razor

Considering the existence of fat burners such as Phen375 its hard to give SlimQuick Razor any kind of recommendation.

Phen375 has taken over the mantle of the UK’s strongest fat burner.

It is manufactured in FDA approved facilities something that very few products can boast

View the Phen375 review and other premium diet pills
