Trim-Right Review

Trim-Right Appetite Suppressant

New to the commercial diet pill market, Trim-Right is natural appetite suppressant created to help boost your metabolism, reduce feelings of hunger and ultimately lower your daily calorie consumption.

Combining ingredients from the natural world is the basis from which most appetite suppressants tend to follow nowadays but this implies “herbal” a phrase that the EU and advertising standards (particularly governing the UK) are currently clamping down on with the tightest restrictions to date.

The simple fact this product exits assumes that all necessary certification is in place although the official website does not supply any concrete proof.

What is Trim-Right

A formulation consisting of Guarana, Capsicum, Apple Cider Vinegar, Green Tea Extract and L-theanine.

The two ingredients of most interest are Capsicum and Green Tea – but contradictorily better known for there ability to burn fat rather that suppress appetite.

Trim-Right is suitable for vegetarians and vegans,

Any Reported Side Effects

Nothing documented to date to cause any concern. As a precaution pregnant or nursing mothers should avoid.

Where To Buy Trim-Right

Costs a shade under £30 and can be purchased for selected third party webstores. Does not appear to have a high street presence.

Is It Recommended

Difficult to recommend over Proactol Plus.

Proactol Plus is £10 to £12 more expensive but offers potentially a high chance of weight loss success.

Proactol Plus is arguably the most legitimate and certified diet product available in the UK. It has a long history of success and numerous testimonials sadly lacking from Trim-Right.

Proactol Plus is a fat binder and appetite suppressant that can have a significant effect on your daily calorie consumption.

Read about Proactol Plus and other premier non-prescription diet pills


Free Capsiplex Appetite Suppressant

Capsiplex Fat Burner With Free Appetite Suppressant

Capsiplex are offering a special offer with 4 different options to buy their highly acclaimed diet pill.

Buy 3 months supply and above and receive sister product Capsiplex Appetite Suppressor absolutely FREE.

If you are unaware of what Capsiplex is and what and it could do for you read the Capsiplex Review

Perhaps the value offer is the 3 month deal (which is option 3) is to buy a 3 month supply and get the Capsiplex Appetite Suppressor free.

The cost for this promotional special offer bundle equates to £79.80

Buy Capsiplex Direct

Fibre Diet Tablets Holland And Barrett

Fibre Diet Tablets

A Holland and Barrett own label diet product with the emphasis very much on fruit and fibre.

Fibre plays an important role in our diet and helps to maintain a tip top digestive system.

Fibre Diet Tablets are a special combination of grain and fruit fibre. For best use, take Fibre Diet tablets around 20 minutes – half and hour before you eat.

It is recommended that you take 5 tablets a day.

Each tablet is devoid of sugar, starch , preservatives and artificial colours.

There is no protein, caffeine or sodium (salt). This special fibre supplement comes with a suggested diet plan with helpful tips on how you can make a reduced calorie diet a more effective and enjoyable experience.

Fibre Diet Tablets Ingredients

Fibre Blend (Microcrystalline Cellulose, Citrus Pectin, Grapefruit Pectin, Beet Root Concentrate), Bulking Agent (Dicalcium Phosphate), Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose, Anti-Caking Agents (Silicon Dioixde, Magnesium Stearate), Glazing Agent (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose).

How Do They Work

If you feel hungry between meals, take two or three tablets with water, instead of eating.

By definition they are an appetite suppressant.

Fibre Diet Tablets Side Effects

Should not pose a risk to health if taken as recommended.

Breastfeeding of expectant mothers should refrain from using prior to GP consultation.

Where To Buy Fibre Diet Tablets

Buy either in store at Holland and Barrett or via the official website.

250 tablets will cost about £8.00

Are They Recommended

Holland and Barrett stock some very effective own label and third party brands – unfortunately this is not one of them.

Alternative Diet Tablets

There are several premier brands available in the UK that are fully licensed and legally available to buy without prescription.

Read Best Diet Pills
