Ephedrine P57 Diet Pills

Ephedrine P57 Review

Ephedrine P57 with HoodiaEphedra is now a banned substance in a majority of countries across the world – but this still doesn’t stop some manufacturers of diet pills trying to gain an advantage as far as consumer perception is concerned.

Ephedra will always be synonymous with high strength or strong diet pills even though it has been proven that Ephedra wasn’t really the effective fat burner that it was once though to be. More about Ephedra

Ephedrine is derivative of Ephedra and there are certain grey areas concerning its legality, especially in the UK.

The FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) ruled that Ephedra could could not sold in any diet pill or weight loss product in the USA – the UK and Europe followed suit, but this does stop countries outside of the FDA’s jurisdiction from importing albeit illegally.

The official Ephedrine P57 website draws attention to the fact that UK customers cannot buy or place orders by telephone – any purchases have to be made online! Does this not set the smallest of alarm bells ringing.

What Is Ephedrine P57

A combination of what are possibly the most talked about and infamous ingredients in the weight loss industry.

Ephedrine (mentioned above) and Hoodia Gordonii – the P57 part of the brand name refers to Hoodia Gordonii and particular the raw powder and appetite suppressing molecule found within the part called P57.

How Does Ephedrine P57 Work

A fat burner combined with an appetite suppressant that supposedly burns fat while reducing hunger.

Ephedrine P57 Side Effects

The hoodia component should not pose a rsik to health, Hoodia is a natural substance that has centuries of positive effect on human health. The Ephedrine ingredient however can cause side effects ranging from

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting and sickness
  • Headaches and migraine

Plus a whole host other side effects that are usually associated with fat burners such as; restlessness, insomnia and anxiety.

Where To Buy

As mentioned above there are grey areas surrounding its legality – if an illegal diet pill is something that appeals then an online outlet should not be too dificult to find. For the record we advise that you do not attempt to buy Ephedrine P57


Bontril Appetite Suppressant

Bontril Prescription Diet Pill Review

Prescription diet drug BontrilOf the half a dozen commonly prescribed diet drugs, a majority of them are geared towards suppressing appetite. Appetite suppressants are incredibly effective for long term and permanent weight reduction and weight loss.

Bontril is both a prescription diet pill and an appetite suppressant.

Diet pill is probably too soft a word to describe Bontril as it is a strong chemically based drug that is not available on the consumer market – it is only obtained via prescription under strict supervision of a GP or doctor.

How Does Bontril Work

Bontril is stimulant and works in a similar fashion to Adipex – Bontril stimulates the central nervous system. When the nervous system is stimulated it makes the heart beats faster causing blood pressure to rise and this in turn decreases or suppresses the appetite.

Some appetite suppressants are very effective and a great easy way to lose weight especially if traditional dieting methods have proved problematic or unsuccessful in the past. Sticking to a diet plan or diet program requires will power. The appetite suppressant in a round about way provides the will power – by reducing hunger anyone wishing to lose weight will eat less, or at least want to eat less.

The natural world has its own appetite suppressant, Hoodia Gordonii. Hoodia works in different way to the more pharmaceutically produced drug based diet pills by sending out signals to the brain that the stomach is full.

As with most of the appetite suppressant in the prescription only field side effects are an all to common negative.

Does Bontril Cause Side Effects

  • Stomach problems, aches or cramps
  • Blurred or impaired vision
  • Insomnia and sleep disorders
  • Irritability and dizziness

There have been cases of more severe side effects such as heart problems, chest pains and even risk of seizure.

At the end of 2008 a diet drug similar to Bontril was removed from shelves the amid potentially fatal side effects. Read about Acomplia Rimonabant

Who Should Not Use Bontril

Suffers from anorexia or bulimia should avoid – although there should be little to zero chance of an anorexia or bulimia sufferer from obtaining legitimately

Bontril should also be avoided if you have diabetes, have or have has kidney problems and if you pregnant or nursing a child.

How To Obtain Bontril

The only legal way to get hold of Bontril is on prescription and via your GP or doctor. The internet, however it is an ungoverned source for black marketeers – it is highly advised to refrain from buying any prescription weight loss drug from any source.

Alternative Diet Pills

Possibly the most widely prescribed appetite suppressant was Phentermine. Phentermine was incredibly strong but did present one or two problems, it was available via prescription only.

Phen375 on the other hand is derivative of Phentermine and available to buy without prescription.

Phen375 is manufactured in FDA approved facilities and made using pharmaceutical grade ingredients.

More about Phen375


Xenical Orlistat

Xenical Prescription Diet Pill Review

Xenical Orlistat Weight Loss DrugThere is undoubtedly more choice and a freedom of choice in the non prescription diet pill market place. The prescription only genre has very few offerings and all based around pharmaceutical drug compositions.

Xenical is by far the most frequently and commonly administered diet drug – although not completely side effect free it offers sufferers of obesity a high chance of weight loss success.

Visiting your GP or doctor and simply asking for a diet pill via prescription is often met with disappointment. In order to qualify for a prescription there has to be sufficient reason – it is highly unlikely that you will be prescribed anything unless you are classed as very over weight or obese.

Orlistat is available over the counter under the brand name Alli 

In most circumstances if your Body Mass Index (BMI) is over 30 – you may well be considered for a course of Xenical.

What Is Xenical

Xenical is the trade or brand name of the chemically produced diet drug Orlistat – Orlistat is an extremely strong fat blocker that can prevent the absorption of unhealthy and excess fat from the food that we eat.

How Does Xenical Work

A fat blocking genre of diet pill that can prevent the absorption over a quarter of fat attached to food consumed . It does not suppress appetite, effect the metabolism or have any affect on the brain – it is purely a digestive process that tackles the problem of obesity head on and at source rather than treat the after effects of overindulgence or over eating.

The undigested fat can then pass naturally through the body and leave via a bowel movement. There is nothing complicated in the process – if a dieter were eat his or her normal or usual food portion they would be better off by 25% in terms of introducing fat or calories of any kind into their body.

Side Effects Of Xenical

It would be irresponsible not to highlight the potential side effects that could be caused – after all Xenical is a drug and not a natural or herbal product and so does contain a slight risk to health.

One of the less severe side effects that has been reported is an increase in the frequency of bowel movements and an unusual or messy stool. Although this is classed as side effect it is a byproduct and effect of the drug actually working – undigested fat has to leave the body somehow.

Another side effect that although not common but nonetheless reported is mild to painful skin rashes.

This is one of the reasons it is vital to not attempt to purchase form any source, be it internet or high street –  Xenical must only be taken under strict GP supervision.

Do Not Take Xenical If

  • You have anorexia or bulimia
  • You have diabetes
  • You have or have had kidney stones
  • You are pregnant, planning a pregnancy or nursing a child

Is Xenical Effective For Weight Loss

Xenical (Orlistat) is an extremely effective diet drug –  it has been the GP recommended diet tablet and slimming pill of choice for many years. As Xenical is prescription only it is definitely not advised to buy or administer it without GP supervision. It is estimated that over 90% of the Xenical tablets that are advertised to buy freely over the counter or via the internet are either counterfeit or dangerous – or both.

How To Obtain Xenical Orlistat

As described previously Xenical is not available to anyone – the fist course of action should be to visit your GP if you have concerns over your current weight. It is unlikely that your GP will prescribe (if at all) on your first visit. Ensure that you take with you (to your GP appointment) a daily food intake or dietary plan.

Xenical Alternative

PhenQ buy directPhenQ shares similarities with Xenical but is very much the natural alternative. PhenQ is a multi benefir diet pill that works in a similar vein by preventing the absorption of fat but without the potential side effects.

PhenQ is available to buy without the need for a prescription and has received glowing testimonies from the medical fraternity and has been give the status of Medical Device Type 1

PhenQ is also a highly effective fat burner and appetite suppressant – it also has anti oxidant ingredients within it’s formula.

PhenQ can only be purchased direct from the manufacturers – who in turn can control the distribution (an ideal situation which other diet pill manufacturers and producers should take note of.)

PhenQ carries a 60 day money back guarantee and does not incur a delivery charge anywhere in the world

Read about the benefits of PhenQ