Obesity Diet Pill Reductil Banned

Reductil Diet Pill Banned

Reductil bannedFor the second time in just under a year an anti obesity diet pill has been banned and withdrawn from pharmacists shelves.

In the early spring Acomplia was removed amid possible suicide risk and other associated mental problems. Now Reductil has be banned due to links with potential risk of heart attacks and strokes.

The European Medicines Agency acted swiftly and the ban will take place with immediate effect – GP’s are currently contacting patients who are under prescription are advising them stop.

What Is Reductil

Reductil uses the active ingredient Sibutramine, an appetite suppressant that works by fooling the brain into telling the stomach that it is full.

It is not available to buy in the high street or legitimately online via the web.

Alternatives To Reductil

natural appetite suppressantsAppetite suppressants are extremely effective in the weight loss process – natural appetite suppressants exits that do not present the potentially harmful side effects that chemically produced drugs do.

More about Natural Appetite Suppressants


DECarb Carb Blocker Review

DeCarb Carb Blocker

Decarb carb blockerDECarb is the new carb blocker from Goldshield Healthcare, the same company responsible for Lipobind and Appesat.

DECarb is designed to inhibit the absorption of carbohydrate absorption by over 60% and it is claimed that if taken as recommended you lose approximately 2lb per week.

DEcarb contains an ingredient called PhaseLite. PhaseLite a self formulated glycoprotein complex that prevents a portion of carbohydrate digestion.

The manufacturers recommend that DEcarb is most effective when used together with a sensible and healthy diet and exercise program.

There are also some appetite suppressing properties within the formula that can reduce food cravings.

So Does DECarb Work

The formulation is has been developed but one of the most respected pharmaceutical companies in Europe.

It has many satisfied customers – recently Gail Porter gave a glowing testimonial.

“With the help of DEcarb™ I have lost over a stone since the beginning of the year. I look and feel the best I have done in years and the weight loss has given me a real confidence boost.  I especially love my bottom and legs and I am looking forward to wearing lots of cute shorts this summer!”

Any Side Effects With DECarb

It is a certified Class 2a medical device product which means that it exerts a physical rather than a biochemical effect on the body, if taken as suggested it should not pose a problem to health.

Where To Buy DECarb

DECarb should be available to buy over the counter in the high street at the regular health and weight loss product stockists such as Boots, Superdrug, Holland & Barrett and Tesco, Asda etc… priced around £29.00

It is also available from authorised online retailer Evolution-Slimming for £21.95

Is DECarb Recommended

Absolutely – Highly Recommended, a natural product that can help you to lose weight without going without the things you enjoy

Buy Decarb


Best Appetite Suppressants

What Are The Best Appetite Suppressants

best appetite suppressantsSuppressing appetite is regarded to be the best method for achieving your desired weight loss goals not only safely but permanently.

So many products and diet plans that you will have no doubt read about do not offer a long term solution. Even the most effective diet plans do require you to stay on the diet for the long term, which for some can be a chore.

Suppressing appetite can educate your brain and stomach to eat less per meal and negate the need to snack between meals. Over time your stomach will shrink and you will physically unable to eat the portions you would normally, pre appetite suppression.

How To Resist Culinary Temptation

Prescription Appetite Suppressants

Phentermine by prescriptionPerhaps the most widely used and common prescription appetite suppressant is Phentermine.

Phentermine is a drug classed diet pill, it is not available to buy either online or via the high street.

Although Phentermine is advertised quite abundantly on the internet from various sources (usually generic Phentermine) it is highly unlikely that this is the genuine product.

Read More about Phentermine

Natural Appetite Suppressants

The natural world offers a substance that has been used in the commercial market for over a decade, cactus extract is quite possibly the most widely used ingredient in the commercial industry

Cactus extract can reduce appetite effectively and remains free from side effects.

One the most popular products in existence is Proactol Plus – it has been available for since 2006 and has been attributed to numerous diet success stories.

More about Proactol Plus