Does Xipisan Work

Xipisan Review

Xipisan is natural weight loss pill that is fairly new to the open market.

It claims to be revolutionary but in truth is just based on the concept of fat binding – so nothing really different to what is already available.

Having said that fat binders are one of the most effective genres of diet pills.

The manufacturers also seem to have a rather strange marketing angle. The official website asks questions such as…

“Have you ever wondered why sea animals never get fat?”


“Have you ever seen an overweight fish? Or an oyster with a few pounds too many?”

Xipisan How Does It Work

The diet pill can not only burn excess body fat, but can also reduce the amount of dietary fat that is absorbed by the body so anyone looking to lose weight can experience a lower daily caloric intake and a lower daily dietary fat intake.

Does Xipisan Cause Side Effects

Its one saving grace is that it should not pose a danger to health if taken as suggested.

Is Xipisan Recommended

If you are looking to use  a commercial diet pill then Xipisan is not in the same league as other competitive products that have a longer history in the market

Alternative Products

For a guide to selecting an effective diet pill from both the prescription only and over the counter marketplace.

Read Best Diet Pills


Red Hot Chili Pill Fat Burner

Red Hot Chili Pill

Capsiplex is in the news again – this time its the online version of the Daily Express.

The article leads with the question “will the red hot chili pill really burn away fat

Capsiplex has been available to buy now for several months and continues to remain incredibly popular with the re-order rate through the roof according to latest figures.

Capsiplex also has solid clinical evidence around it.

Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lopez and Britney Spears are among its celebrity users.

Tests carried out at the University of Oklahoma last year concluded that those in the 20-strong group who took Capsiplex burned 12 times more calories in the hour after a 60-minute workout than those who took a placebo pill.

Buy Capsiplex from the official website

Does Capsiplex Really Work


Vanessa Feltz Gastric Band

Vanessa Feltz Gastric Band

Vanessa Feltz has admitted to having a Gastric band fitted after reaching a monumental 16 stone.

Vanessa, now a radio broadcaster said she wanted be open and honest about the operation unlike fellow presenter Fern Britton who underwent a similar procedure a few years ago.

Vanessa has always struggled with her weight and is a classic example of the weight loss yoyo effect, where weight can be lost and then put straight back on again.

Losing weight and keeping it at a manageable level is not a short term gig for some its a constant battle and lifetime work in progress.

She will now have to be restricted to consuming just 1000 calories a day for the rest of her life.

Read the full story here

What Is The Gastric Band

Gastric Banding involves an almost torturous peice of equipment planted internally and adjusted at regular intervals…. yeagh

Gastric Banding should be considered a last resort when all other methods of a more natural weight loss process has not been successful, not only due only to the high cost but also the potential risk to health.

Anything that involves evasive surgery on a major organ carries risk.

Read more about Gastric Banding
